Extended DISC Personal Analysis

Extended DISC Personal Analysis is a behvioral inventory based on self assessment which helps individuals to identify their preferred behavioral styles from the four major styles Dominance, Influence, Steadiness & Compliance and their combinations

Extended DISC® Personal Analysis is our most popular tool. Its success is based on its strong ability to provide information to make better decisions. Too often assessments tell us what weal-ready know: “Oh yes, that’s me.” If a tool only provides information that the user is already aware of, it has very limited value.

  Behavioural Analysis Report Options on FinxS

A brief summary of some of the options available to users on FinxS
      Standard Reports
Competence Library
1 Assessment/Many reports
Custom Built Reports
Design Look & Feel
Combine Results
Recruitment Reports
Select brand colors
Build own Templates
Management Reports
Preview & Download
Sales 18 Reports

Extended DISC Multiple  Person Reports

Multiple person reports play an important role in understanding how the team communicates, makes decisions, handles conflicts, shares responsibilities and many other team behavioural aspects.
Team Reports
Team Culture Reports
Alignment Reports
Team Thermometer
Team Maps

Customize the look and feel of your report with drag & drop

You can select the look and feel of a report by just drag and drop the number of components you need.
Customization available for -

Check out our free sample Behaviourial Reports.

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