Sales Competence Assessment.

The FinxS® Sales Competence Assessment is designed to help you become more successful in sales. It is based on your responses to the FinxS® Sales Competence Assessment questionnaire and identifies your present level of proficiency in 18 critically important sales competences for success in selling.

Why is the Sales Competence Assessment (SCA) so unique

The innovative SCA questionnaire is composed of 99 forced choice questions and takes about 25minutes to complete.

By forcing the respondent to constantly make choices, we are able to measure the attitude of the respondent to key actions in the sales process and their perception of their current sales competences over 18 critical sales behaviours

In reality, results presented in the report reflect to a high degree real behaviours in sales.

This questionnaire is intended for persons who have at least 3 months of continuous sales experience.

This questionnaire is available in English & Hindi & Gujarati.

The resulting report is available in English with options for a Development Report, Recruitment Report, Manager Report and even Modular Reports

The icing on the cake are the Sales Team Reports

Sales Competence Assessment- Single Person Reports

The reports consists of scores for the 18 sales competences based on a persons responses in the FinxS® Sales Competence Assessment questionnaire. The results reflect the current level of proficiency in all of the 18 sales competences. The recruitment report also discusses the various sales roles and best fit options for the sales professional based on present competence levels
Development Report
Recruitment Report
Manager Report
Report Modules
Summary Report

Sales Competence Assessment- Multi Person& Team Reports

The Multi Person and Team Reports help the Team Members and the Manager understand key elements that would help the team to perform better in Sales Roles while keeping a keen eye on the developmental needs of each Sales Person and the team as a whole
     Team Competence
Team Excuse Index
Team Sales Roles
Team Details
Team Sales Processes

Report Content Contains ....

In scoring the competences we give a detailed description of what a high score means and what a low score means. These scores represent the current level of competence of the sales person across 18 Sales behaviours
This gives the sales person and their manager an opportunity to understand the areas where the sales person has a higher degree of competence in their present role.
What is interesting is when the assessment is read in conjunction with the Extended DISC Behavioural Profile one gets a deeper insight into what the behavioral preferences of the person are vis-s-vis their sales competences

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