This is a story of a young boy who applied for a job as a farm hand at a time when labour was extremely difficult to come by as most people were moving from farming working as semi-skilled or skilled labour in factories that were mushrooming all over the countryside.

A farm run by a widow was having a particularly difficult time finding labour till this young boy walked in one day and when asked by the farm owner what his qualification and experience were to do well as a farm hand, he replied, “ I sleep well, when the wind blows”

The farm owner didn’t understand what he meant, but detected some sincerity in the boy’s voice coupled with a need for employment. She hired the young boy and explained him his duties and responsibilities and settled the wages he would be paid.

The boy went about his tasks diligently and gave no room to owner to complain.

Late one evening, after all had retired for the day, a storm started building up, as was common in those parts of the world. The farm owner got frantic and quickly ran out of her house towards the barn, to alert the boy. When she reached the barn, she found him fast asleep and in deep sleep, with a peaceful expression on his face.

She looked around the barn and saw that the hay was all tied down, the livestock all secured in their pens, the farming implements all neatly arranged & chained to the walls, the feed and fodder stacked up and covered with tarpaulin.. and the young farm hand sleeping soundly as the raging winds were blowing…

Do you sleep well when the winds blow? Have you tied down the Open 360, secured the Behavioural Analysis, stacked up on the Sales Assessments, arranged the Reasoning Analysis

Open 360 – One more opportunity to touch people at a deeper level so they can lead lives at a higher level. Certification on 18/19 Feb, 2022

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