What does your assessment platform allow you to do?

What does your assessment platform allow you to do?

An Airbus A380 on a test flight was cruising at a fairly high altitude when a fighter aircraft assigned to ensure its safety decided to have a little bit of fun “in the sky” with the passenger aircraft..

The fighter pilot radioed the commander of the A380 and said …. You may be big but I’m better.. let me show you what all I can do…

Saying this the fighter aircraft veered off and performed stunts in the air… loops and sudden death drops, high speed manoeuvres and belly flips … in a few minutes the fighter aircraft pulled up alongside the passenger aircraft and over the radio relayed “ Did you see what all my aircraft can do ? Am I not better ?”

The commander of the A380 a seasoned veteran and himself a fighter pilot in his younger days, smiled at the young fighter pilot and with a Thumbs up sign through the cockpit glass, replied over the radio… “ What I can do, you cannot do ?” This intrigued the fighter pilot, “What can you do that I cannot?”

The commander of the A380 looked at his instrument panel, flipped a switch, unbuckled his seat belt, got up from his seat, stretched his arms and legs, opened the cockpit door, walked down the aisle to the front toilet, went into the galley, poured himself a glass of orange juice and 10 minutes later walked into the cockpit…

The fighter pilot was visibly agitated and crackled over the radio… Where the hell did you go Captain…he said…

The captain raised his glass of orange juice and responded with a smile… Can you do what I just did and still let your aircraft fly on its predetermined course ?

Performing tricks and looking slick and smart, is impressive but does the platform have the flexibility and capacity to allow multiple decision tools, autonomous usage, user defined cruising pathways, benchmarks and a smart instrument panel… Think FinxS

Maanveer Singh, FinxS India

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