A couple of days back I wrote to you about the Great Wall of China and how vulnerable it was because of the lack of fortification of its gate keepers… Today we will look at another strong wall… The Berlin Wall…

After World War II, Germany was divided into East and West. The eastern side was under the communist control of the USSR. The western side was occupied by British, French and American forces. The capital city of Berlin was divided in a similar fashion.

East German officials ordered the building of a barrier that would one day become known as the infamous “Berlin Wall.” to prevent people from East Germany escaping to other parts of the world through West Germany

As the initial barricades were going up, East Berliners were feeling powerless and resentful of West Berlin’s freedom. In an act of antagonism, they filled a garbage truck and drove it into West Berlin late one night. They dumped the trash all over the streets and then retreated back to East Berlin on foot.

A few days later, the truck returned under cover of darkness. But instead of the filthy garbage that the East Berliners expected to see in it, it was full of canned goods and non-perishable food items. On the food was a sign that read “Each gives what he has to give.”

A reflection from our point of view… Are we giving to our clients and stake holders all that we have to give ?

There are very few pieces of fiction that have been able to hold my sustained attention, one of them being the Harry Potter series, more I think because of the life story and struggles of J K Rowling, her commencement speech at Harvard and the picturisation

of the novels.. One of the scenes from Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire where a discussion between Harry and Moody take place remains etched in mind,

Play to your strengths.. says Moody

“But I don’t have any strengths” replied Harry

“Nonsense, if I say you have strengths, you have them…

Let us imagine Moody talking to us, for a short while, and just in case some of us doubt the strengths we have…..

You have the strength of your Certification,

You have the strength of the Extended DISC knowledge base

You have the strength of a global support system

You have the strength of a dynamic and evolving production platform

You have the strength of a 30year Global brand

You have the strength of a successful 12 year run in India

All you have to do now, is to give what you have to give

Let us make 2022, the year of Giving

Warm regards and best wishes for a fantastic giving year ahead..

Maanveer Singh

Extended DISC India

FinxS India

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